How to Stop People Pleasing
People pleasing has its perks. It often means you’re appreciated as the team player at work, considered the friend or family member that is reliable and thoughtful, the one your friends confide in because you’re quick to listen and follow up in meaningful ways. It’s a quality that is rewarded in friendships, families, workplace, and church communities. I get it, I’m a recovering people pleaser myself. The dark side of people pleasing emerges when relationships become more and more one-sided, demanding emotional energy without reciprocity, and unexpressed resentment starts to fester.
Sheltering In Tension - When Social Distancing Really Sucks
Things weren’t great at home, but you survived through staying busy at work and making plans outside of the home. Then the coronavirus pandemic hit, and you are stuck at home, face to face with the tension you’ve been trying to avoid. You’re inundated with blogs & opinion pieces about finding the silver lining during social distancing and maximizing quality family time.
Nothing about your current situation seems hopeful nor quality. So how do you survive this crisis?
Why You Should Unfollow Your Ex on Social Media
Break-ups suck. Every little thing reminds you of him. You constantly have to stop yourself from texting him. You will feel sad for a little while as you say goodbye to the relationship and to the dream of your future together. Getting over an ex is hard enough, there is no need to make it more painful. So please, do yourself a favor and unfollow your ex on social media.
How to Find a Therapist, Counselor or Psychologist in Dublin, CA
You want to check out therapy. You know it would be good for you. You’ve had friends rave about how helpful their therapist is and you’ve seen them change for the better. Naturally, you’re curious. And of course, you know there are a few things you could probably work on, too. But you have no idea how in the world to find a good therapist. Especially in a place like Dublin, Pleasanton and the greater Bay Area, where there are many therapists, how do you sort through to find the right fit for you?
What to Expect In Therapy in Dublin, CA
Going to therapy is an investment in yourself and an investment of your time & resources. Before you schedule your first appointment, there is often a time of “Should I go to therapy?...nah, I’m okay, I can wait…” before you actually take the first step. By the time you make the call, you’re ready to do the work. Maybe you’re considering jumping back into therapy, or maybe you’ve never been and have no idea what it’s like. Here’s what to expect when working with me as a therapist so you can get the most bang for your buck: