What Emotions Can Teach Us
Recently I heard a brilliant quote about emotions: “Our feelings are a lot like toddlers, we can’t let them drive, but we also can’t put them in the trunk.” So how do we do that, really? How do we listen to our emotions? What can they teach us?
Why You Should Unfollow Your Ex on Social Media
Break-ups suck. Every little thing reminds you of him. You constantly have to stop yourself from texting him. You will feel sad for a little while as you say goodbye to the relationship and to the dream of your future together. Getting over an ex is hard enough, there is no need to make it more painful. So please, do yourself a favor and unfollow your ex on social media.
How to Find a Therapist, Counselor or Psychologist in Dublin, CA
You want to check out therapy. You know it would be good for you. You’ve had friends rave about how helpful their therapist is and you’ve seen them change for the better. Naturally, you’re curious. And of course, you know there are a few things you could probably work on, too. But you have no idea how in the world to find a good therapist. Especially in a place like Dublin, Pleasanton and the greater Bay Area, where there are many therapists, how do you sort through to find the right fit for you?
Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Battling Anxiety
One of the most effective ways to reduce anxiety is to use your mind to catch & replace unhelpful thinking. The thoughts that accompany (and fuel) anxiety are distorted, but have juuust enough truth that they sound compelling. If you’ve ever experienced heightened anxiety, you know how quickly anxious thoughts can spiral. Here’s the trick...don’t believe everything you think.
Anxious thoughts are usually driven by a few unhelpful thinking styles. We all utilize these unhelpful thinking styles or cognitive distortions from time to time. Here are the five most common distorted thoughts that I see fuel anxiety:
You Have the Right to Have Boundaries...really!
Successfully implementing boundaries requires believing you have the right to have them. Maybe you grew up in a family where you learned to ignore your feelings or minimize your needs and the idea that you deserve boundaries seems so foreign, even indulgent. Maybe you think boundaries are awesome for other people, but not for you. Build up your foundation by using the Bill of Rights list. This is a list of 25 personal rights adapted from The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook by Dr. Edmund Bourne.